t: +380 83 857 5 577

Web Design

Designing the logical structure of web pages, we choose the most optimal and convenient solutions for presenting information and also design web projects. Of course, we are familiar with the latest web technologies and have the appropriate artistic taste.

Landing Page Design

We develop one-page sites with information about a service or product that is briefly and succinctly presented, which allows increasing the effectiveness of advertising.

The main task of our landing sites is to convert visitors into a lead or a buyer or make them complete the target actions. Such an action may be: purchase, sending contacts, subscription to the newsletter, registration, downloading, etc. We regularly monitor sites that successfully combine both good design and marketing “life hacks” so our services are up-to-date and circumspect.

Corporate Website Design

We create websites for any purpose: improving the image of the company, expanding the geography of sales, attracting investments.

Proper website usage allows you to get a competitive advantage in a short time and with a minimum of additional investments. Competent design and resource architecture are critical for a corporate website that is designed to produce the right impression on visitors. We make sites comply with the general style of companies. Depending on the type of activity, we can adhere to minimalism or create something bright and complex.

E-commerce Website Design

We’ll provide you with everything you need to set up your online business and sell online

E-commerce is one of the components of electronic business, including trading and financial transactions, carried out through electronic networks, that’s why we do everything possible to make E-commerce websites useful for their owners.

Al Labs deals with different e-Commerce websites such as retail selling, auction websites, music portals, business-to-business services, finance management websites, consultancy websites, and more. With a decent website, everything that a transaction needs can be executed online.

Highload services and portals Design

Nobody needs slow sites and services! We develop only modern and useful solutions

We suggest approaches that greatly accelerate the processing of requests by the application and increase the number of requests processed by one computer or another gadget. Of course, we can scale a web project horizontally to any theoretically achievable number of clients.

Our team is ready to take on the full scope of work to develop an online portal for your company or project. Projects we develop represent a significant amount of structured information and allow us to interact with it in various ways. Having the necessary knowledge, we take into account all the nuances at the stages of the portal creation.